Chapter 18 – Tongue Tie

ANKLYOGLOSSIA , it is commonly known as tongue tie. To understand tongue tie, we need to first know what is lingual frenum. Lingual frenum is the band of muscle fibers which attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Tongue tie occurs when the lingual frenum is short or gets attached to the tip … Read more

Chapter 16 – Dental Implants ( Part C)

Dental implants were invented with a purpose to replace lost teeth. Well supported by over 40 years of clinical studies. Dental implants have become popular choice for missing tooth replacement. Modern dental implants has been in use since 1970 which was introduced into dentistry by Swedish orthopaedic surgeon Dr.Per-ingvar Branemark. Since then implants are being … Read more

Chapter 16 Part -B- Tooth Cap & Bridge

Dental crowns better known as dental caps, which are advised after root canal treatment. Crowns are also advised if your teeth has wear down or if it cannot be restored or if you have sensitivity. Bridge is done when there is missing teeth in the middle of two healthy teeth. It is a fixed replacement … Read more

Chapter 17- Avulsion

What is Avulsion? Also known as, Knocked out teeth. It is when the tooth is completely out of the socket due to any accident or any injury. The teeth along with the surrounding tissues are affected. It is a dental emergency and the result of the treatment is dependent on the actions leading to the … Read more

Chapter 16 – Missing Teeth Replacement

Are you missing any teeth? Do you have gap in your teeth?  What can be done to treat the missing teeth?  How does missing teeth occur?  Why replacement is necessary?  There are several problems that can arise if you fail to replace missing teeth.  What are the treatment options? Removable – Removable partial denture, Cast … Read more

Chapter 15 – Nitrous Oxide Sedation( Laughing Gas)

Are you postponing your dental visit because of your anxiety? Do you hate when the dentist puts instruments in your mouth and it causes you to gag? no more fear , let’s see what is laughing gas and how its going to solve your dental phobia problem. Discovery of Nitrous Oxide Early 19th century, patients … Read more

Chapter 11 – Mouth breathing

What is mouth breathing ? Mouth breathing is a habit where people breathe in through their mouth instead of their nose. This can occur in both children and in adults. Sometimes blocked nose due to cold can cause mouth breathing temporarily but resolves on its own. The reason for breathing through the mouth will be … Read more

Chapter 10- Nursing bottle tooth decay. 

What is Nursing Bottle Caries? Nursing bottle caries is a type of tooth decay which can be seen affecting upper teeth and lower back teeth in a baby’s mouth and it progress very quickly. Nursing bottle caries has been called by a number of names including nursing caries, nursing bottle syndrome, milk bottle syndrome, baby … Read more

Chapter – 9 Baby Teeth Series

Baby Teeth Eruption and Shedding  In a baby’s mouth there are total number of 20 teeth. 10 in upper arch and 10 in lower arch. In one arch (upper or lower) they have four incisors , two canines and four molars. The different names for baby teeth are milk teeth, primary teeth, deciduous teeth. When does … Read more